Four Soils & Four Groups

Posted by Iron Sharp on

We know from scripture that Jesus had multitudes that followed Him, of these Luke 6:12-19 (NLT) reveals four groups after they come down from the mountain. Verse 17 says, “When they came down from the mountain, the disciples stood with Jesus on a large, level area, surrounded by many of his followers and by the crowds. There were people from all over Judea and from Jerusalem and from as far north as the seacoasts of Tyre and Sidon.” Now what just looks like three groups, we must look back to verses 12-16 where from His group of disciples He also chose the Twelve Apostles. So the four groups are:


Now in Mark 4:3-20 Jesus teaches on four types of ground or soil, referring to one's heart! The four He reveals are:

2.Shallow soil
3.Thorny ground
4.Fertile soil

Can we see each of the four crowds lining up with each of the four soils?

1.Apostles= fertile soil (Fathers/Mothers)
2.Disciples= thorny ground (sons/daughters)
3.Followers= shallow ground (babies)
4.Crowds= footpath (unbelievers)

Now let’s go deeper, within the fertile soil the Word of God says three measures of increase (harvest) are produced. There's 30, 60, and 100. We know Jesus chose Twelve to be His first Apostles, yet of those He had three who were much closer (intimate) with Him. Peter, James and John. So now of the four types of soil, only one produces, so that is 25%, and Jesus had three of His Twelve and that is 25%, I pray you are seeing something wonderful here! Can we connect the 30, 60, 100 to each of these three? We need to look at the pattern of the tabernacle to see it. 

In the Tabernacle there are three distinct places, the outer court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies. 

1.Outer court= 30
2.Holy Place= 60
3.Holy of Holies= 100

The next part requires eyes to see. If we look at Peter, we can see characteristics common to that of someone in the outer court. Times of carnality, acts of the flesh, etc. We do not see much in regards to James, and someone who is in the Holy Place is typically hidden, their carnality is not drawing attention to them, yet they are not quite living behind the veil in the Most Holy place where the Glory of God is continually upon them. Now looking at John we see some wonderful characteristics of someone living behind the veil. We see him with his head on Jesus’ bosom (John 13:23), it's in that nearness that he could have “an ear to hear”, notice in the Book of Revelation we need “an ear”, not just “ears”, an “ear” is needed to hear whispers (secrets).

John is also the one who was given the Revelation of Jesus, found in the Book of Revelation. It takes a life behind the veil to live in the Glory, to hear the whispers, and see the Light that brings forth true revelation. John is a revelation of the 100 fold increase, it's a doubling, it is true multiplication and that is how the Kingdom increases!

1.John= Most Holy Place= 100
2.James= Holy Place= 60
3.Peter= Outer Court= 30

Fathers and Mothers in the faith are called to raise disciples, and in that, they are only able to raise another up to the length and depth they are willing to go. Some will choose not go past the outer court, some will endure and come inside, and others (usually a much smaller group) will mature into the 100 fold, and thus answer the same call to raise others up!