Manna Ready to Eat

Manna- 6/23/24

Posted by Iron Sharp on

“Brothers and sisters, when I was with you I found it impossible to speak to you as those who are spiritually mature people, for you are still dominated by the mind-set of the flesh. And because you are immature infants in Christ, I had to nurse you and feed you with “milk,” not with the solid food of more advanced teachings, because you weren’t ready for it. In fact, you are still not ready to be fed solid food,” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭2‬) So what is the milk Paul is referring to here? We find it in Hebrews, and they are what’s...

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Manna- 6/22/24

Posted by Iron Sharp on

“And I need to bring this up because each of you is claiming loyalty to different preachers. Some are saying, “I am a disciple of Paul,” or, “I follow Apollos,” or, “I am a disciple of Peter the Rock,” and some, “I belong only to Christ.” But let me ask you, is Christ divided up into groups? Did I die on the cross for you? At your baptism did you pledge yourselves to follow Paul?”(1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬-‭13‬) Is Christ divided up into groups? Hmmmm… let’s see what happens if we swap the names Paul, Apollos and Peter with different names. “I...

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Manna- 6/21/24

Posted by Iron Sharp on

“So stop being critical and condemning of other believers, but instead determine to never deliberately cause a brother or sister to stumble and fall because of your actions.” (Romans‬ ‭14‬:‭13‬) This verse doesn’t need much to interpret it, this is part of living a selfless life and preferring others over yourself. This is JOY (Jesus, Others, Yourself)! Although Romans 14 is directly talking of foods, and holy days, this applies across the board in all things, and is speaking to personal convictions. How we present ourselves in front of others is very important! Are there things, attitudes or behaviors that are...

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Manna- 6/20/24

Posted by Iron Sharp on

“Offer an open hand of fellowship to welcome every true believer, even though their faith may be weak and immature. And refuse to engage in debates with them concerning nothing more than opinions.” (Romans‬ ‭14‬:‭1‬) First notice the phrase “true believer”, so this means that there are “false believers”, right? "For they are not true apostles but deceitful ministers who masquerade as “special apostles” of the Anointed One. That doesn’t surprise us, for even Satan transforms himself to appear as an angel of light! So it’s no wonder his servants also go about pretending to be ministers of righteousness. But in...

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Manna- 6/19/24

Posted by Iron Sharp on

“Instead fully immerse yourselves into the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, and don’t waste even a moment’s thought on your former identity to awaken its selfish desires.” (Romans‬ ‭13‬:‭14‬) What are the selfish desires Paul speaks of here? “We must live honorably, surrounded by the light of this new day, not in the darkness of drunkenness and debauchery, not in promiscuity and sensuality, not being argumentative or jealous of others.” (Romans‬ ‭13‬:‭13‬) A good word to study is the Greek word “methē” which is the word translated as drunkenness. Beloved, this isn’t just talking about alcohol, it is beyond just...

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