Manna- 6/9/24

Posted by Iron Sharp on

But Paul said to them, “They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison. And now do they put us out secretly? No indeed! Let them come themselves and get us out.” (Acts‬ ‭16‬:‭37‬)

This is after Paul and Silas are beaten and imprisoned for casting a demonic spirit out of a young girl. The girls owners had leveled accusations against them when they realized they would no longer be able to make money off her fortune telling. So after they are beaten they are thrown in jail.

While chained they begin to pray and praise, and suddenly an earthquake shakes the foundations of the prison. Notice it wasn’t just their door that opened but all the doors in the prison! Simply being near two people who know the power of prayer and praise can deliver those around them from their bondage!

It’s after this happens the jailer awakes and finds every cell door open and assumed all had escaped. He drew his sword and was about to take his own life when Paul shouts and reveals they are all still there. Through this the jailer asks how he can be saved! So it wasn’t just their prison doors opened, but the door of his heart was opened to receive the Gospel through Paul and Silas! And not just him, but his entire household are baptized and salvation comes to his family! Sound familiar? Noah, who obeyed the Lord and built an Ark, which brought salvation to his family! Beloved, build your Ark!!!

So back to the initial verse for today. Why didn’t Paul and Silas speak up about them being citizens of Rome prior to what they endured? It was through their willingness to endure persecution that an entire family was led to Jesus Christ!

Are we willing as they were???