MRE- Acts 8:21

Posted by Iron Sharp on

Acts 8:21 (NLT)
“You can have no part in this, for your heart is not right with God.”

Todays verse is the one I mentioned a few days ago that has wording that has led some to say Simon was not previously born again, and others to believe he is, but was in a backslidden state with wrong motives. 
Let’s look at the phrase “your heart is not right with God”, and the difference with what Peter said and what some scholars affirm he meant. 

Joseph Benson, an early Methodist minister interpreted Peter's meaning here as:
“His offering money for a spiritual gift is incontestable evidence that he was yet under the power of a worldly and carnal spirit and that he was yet a mere natural man, who received not the things of the Spirit of God.”

Now there is a huge difference between saying that a man's heart is not currently right with God, and the declaration that it had never been right. That is the difference between what the word of God says of Simon, and what men say concerning him. 

We will see in the next couple verses that will close out our recent MRE’s in Acts 8, wording that I believe further reveals Simon was born again, but was either being tempted by his flesh or the enemy, and that his motives weren’t pure  

Beware of believing men rather than believing the Lord. Just because someone labeled as a scholar says something doesn’t mean it’s exactly correct, they are just men and women and are fallible, let the Holy Spirit teach you as you seek Him in prayer! 

Blessings in Jesus Name!!!