Word Received on 12/27/23

Posted by Iron Sharp on

I want to share something the Lord has really highlighted over the last few days. He’s had me coming through the book of Acts and as I came to the end of chapter five and into six, these two words stood out “daily” and “multiplying”

“And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ. Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying…
Acts 5:42, 6:1

It’s through the daily breaking of the Bread that real multiplication comes, and true disciples are raised up. Remember babies have to be fed for a time, and they cannot survive a single day without their milk, and the truth is they need it throughout each day (day and night)!

The Lord Jesus has drawn people near to many He has graced to lead. These leaders must grow in the grace of discerning what level each one they are called to lead is at in their walk with Jesus. They must properly steward His people in the Kingdom. Some will need more attention than others, and generally those are the ones that test the most. These leaders must lay themself aside and be faithful with what the Holy Spirit gives them in order to see His people mature. This is why the Holy Spirit has really been speaking on dying to self in a great measure recently! 

I believe those who Jesus has raised up to build in the end times have to stay diligent in seeking Him for clarity in His blueprints! Before anything is built further it must be clear before it can take place.

They must welcome the preparation and stop moving in reaction! Below is another passage that the Holy Spirit highlighted and He then connected it to Psalms 127:1.

“So my advice is, leave these men alone. Let them go. If they are planning and doing these things merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown. But if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God!”
‭‭Acts 5‬:‭38‬-‭39‬

Much in the modern church age we’ve seen crumble and crumbling even now. I believe Jesus is revealing the building that’s been done by way of man’s wisdom and strength, and what increase has been seen cannot be sustained from trying to move in reaction (not understanding the call to raise up disciples vs consumers). The foundations of sand are being washed and blown away, yet at the same time He is setting foundations of stone in place! Once Jesus ensures it is laid and cured He will begin to build, but by His plans, and they must be seen clearly, understood fully and followed obediently!

I pray if you are one He’s graced to build that you seek Jesus diligently!!! Bless the Lord, He is faithful and will give you everything you need, but be faithful that Jesus truly gets the glory and honor!!!